We can learn from the smallest things. Look at the ants that are always at work, never stop until
they get what they are looking for.
Be able to work is a blessing
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Blessing |
Eagerness to give someone proper direction is not helpful until someone is ready to recieve the direction- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Direction |
Stay in the company of those who will come forward in the time of need. They are true friends- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Friends |
Getting rid of Mind to achieve higher level of wisdom cannot be either understood or achieved without someone who has attained this level of perfection- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Mind |
One step at a time in a positive direction is all it takes to accomplish our set goals- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Accomplishment |
Search for the truth and you shall find it if your heart is at the right place- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Search |
All life long we chase material things and stay frustrated. We don't want to admit that destiny unveils itself with time and we will get what is predetermined for us with precision- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Destiny |
Life is passing without giving any warnings. Only a few see and act to find the mystry of life- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Passing |
Enlightenment comes from within where no outside light is needed
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Enlightenment |
Don't grow your ego to a point where you are unable to do good to anybody
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Benefit |
The mind changes very quickly based on likes and dislikes therefore cannot give trustworthy guidance
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Change |
Mind has no understanding and feeling. It is the heart that has feeling and expresses it clearly. We need to know how to listen to the heart
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Listening |
Thoughts are powerful. We need to make sure to have positive thoughts so we spread positivity all around
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Thoughts |
Each breath is precious to know what is our real purpose while in human body. It is better to solve the mystery while in human body otherwise this chance may be lost without self realization
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Mystery |
Running away from the problems does not take the problems away. Taking the time to recognize the problem and working on the solution may take it away
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Runaway |
If two people look different that does not mean their ideas may not be the same or vice versa. Looks and personality are totally different attributes
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Attributes |
Think ahead and then walk on the path of your choice. The more work done in preparation, the better the results
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Results |
Every incident that happens in life is a learning experience. Only a few understand this.
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Experience |
It is good to loose pride to gain humility, the source of happiness
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Losing |
It's always good to make waves that are positive so when they touch other person's heart, they uplift them
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Waves |
We all operate under fear because we have not found the key to life
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Fear |
We search for the ultimate truth all life long but do not look within us to find that it resides within us
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Search |
Man has been equipped to do better for himself. Going within gives the direction
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Betterment |
True love completely surrenders and therefore sacrifices its own identity
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Love |
Worry only leaves when you find the source that uproots it from the bottom
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Worry |
Make your future by not calculating what you can do with what you have materially but what your heart dictates of your capabilities
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Future |
The more we want material, the more we get involved outward to take care of it. We lose time without even knowing that life is passing- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Time |
There is no need to go anywhere to find peace. Everyone has been given the treasure of peace within. Only few look within.- DKWS
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Peace |
There is no limit to wants. Change of inner perspective diminishes the desire of wants.
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
Wants |
Having no expectations is the key for attaining happiness
- with Swaraj Kaur at drkaurs.com
No expectations |